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"My father's teaching... was based on the truth that each student must be taught according to his or her individual capacity at any given time. And each step is to be experienced for what the Bhagavad-Gita shows it to be: an episode in the greatest of all adventures, the eternal journey of the soul." --T. K. V. Desikachar Descended from an ancient yogic lineage, T. K. V. Desikachar is recognized as yoga's foremost teacher of teachers. "Health, Healing, and Beyond" is the long-awaited study of his application of yogic practices to achieve a union of body, mind, and spirit. Desikachar's father, T. Krishnamacharya, one of the greatest healers and sages of modern Indian history, incorporated many of his country's traditions into the adaptation and teaching of yoga for contemporary society. A student of Krishnamacharya for more than thirty years, Desikachar continues his father's efforts to preserve the essential teachings of yoga established over two thousand years ago.


Health, Healing and Beyond : Yoga and the Living Tradition of Krishnamacharya

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